February 2, 2015

Explore Singapore

I was 7 when I first came to Singapore. Back then, everything felt larger than life because of its tall buildings and busy-looking people. This year, my family and I decided to visit this country to explore its beautiful landmarks, authentic Singaporean cuisine, and the fast paced multi-culture of this first world country.

Here is a summary of my 3-day visit to the Lion City. Enjoy!

Explore Singapore from Justine Galvez on Vimeo.

What amazed me most was their diverse culture. You could see it in each district, the way each dish was cooked and presented in every hawker, or the way people interact while waiting for their train stop. Everything felt like it was in motion. That when you stop and observe, you get every piece of Singapore's culture.

In these 3 days, I felt that there was so much too see, and yet I had so little time. This trip felt like a day full of non-stop walking. My feet was sore... and it was worth it.

Check out the Boho Travels' interesting take on Singapore.

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